Sunday, February 3, 2008

Day Twenty-Two February 2, 2008 Saturday

Today Erin and I didn’t set our alarm because we didn’t need to go anywhere except the ward barbeque at noon. We assumed that we would have a nice lie-in but still have plenty of time to do everything else and get there on time. Yeah, that didn’t happen. Vicki had to come wake us up at 11:15! I guess this last week has really exhausted us because we always wake up early! We quickly got ready and hopped on our bikes to go to Donovan Park, which believe it or not, is actually farther than the church! We got to the bbq around 1:30 and had some delicious food. However, I think the combination of the food and biking made me a little sick. I decided to watch the sack races and egg toss because I was feeling a bit off and knew I had to bike home. I ended up sleeping a little in the grass, but not much. We have a really nice ward down here and it was fun to see all of us interact with everyone. After the bbq we rode our bikes back to the school to get on the internet. Unfortunately the school doors were locked, so Erin and I biked back over to the Warehouse to look for some church skirts because we are both completely sick of the ones we brought. After shopping a while we biked home. I asked Vicki about how far we biked today and she said it had to be at least 40 Ks, meaning a little over 24 miles! My thighs and bum are definitely feeling it, especially since it was the second day in a row of going that far. When we came home we helped out with dinner a bit and had another bbq with Mark’s friend Roger and his kids Kyle and Kimberley. I tried some Paua and blue cod, but mostly stuck with the venison, which was absolutely divine. The kids wanted to watch Eragon, so I watched it while I worked on my pictures for my slide show. I’m going to have to do another slide show because it only holds fifty, but I think it was a pretty good start. It was an absolutely beautiful day today, and the stars were incredible. I am beyond wiped and have to wake up early for church. So this is the conclusion of another day in the most amazing place on earth.

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