Tuesday, January 29, 2008

Day Nine January 20, 2008 Sunday

Today was Sunday, technically my second full day of the week in New Zealand. We all woke up really early so we could eat breakfast and drive the hour to Blenheim to get to church. The faces of everyone when we walked into the chapel were priceless! We easily doubled the numbers with our little group. I enjoyed listening to the accents and seeing the wonder and respect in the people’s eyes as they talk about the leaders of the church. I have always loved and respected President Hinckley, but he has always been just a few miles away. For these people he is half-way across the world, and probably always will be. All three hours for the girls were held in the chapel. After Sunday school the boys went out into the hall for priesthood. After we got back pretty much everyone decided to take a nap. Our advisor, Mark, asked us to really make today a day of rest because we have been going so hard for so long and we still have a week before we get to Invercargill. So my tent-mates and I brought our sleeping pads and bags outside and took a nap under a big tree in a field. It is amazing how quickly I have acclimated to sleeping on the ground, because I fell asleep immediately! When I woke up I got to get on the internet for just a few minutes and then we had dinner. After dinner we all got in a group meeting to discuss some of the problems we have been having. I guess we have been a little too loud during meals and at night. We stay in Holiday family parks and so we forget sometimes that we are surrounded by other people with kids and stuff who are also trying to have a good vacation. Our group is going to really work on it so that there are no more problems. After the meeting we hurried to go on a quick hike to a nearby waterfall, but unfortunately we didn’t get to it before we had to turn around and come back for devotional. Maybe I will go again in the morning before we pack up. As for now I am totally wiped and ready to go to sleep so I can continue my adventure tomorrow!

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